Refund Policy
- If you are having an issue with a product, there may be other options before requesting a return
- If you’ve purchased and downloaded software, and need assistance with installation and/or activation, please email or call us on +917978788529.
- If you require Technical Support with a Software Product, please email or call us on +917978788529.
- If you require Support using a product, please look in the help section of that product for the online manuals or or call us on +917978788529.
- If you’d like to return your purchase made in the last 07 days please email us on : clearly stating your reasons.
- After 07 Days from Purchase no Refund will be process.
- After receiving your refund, you agree to uninstall and/or stop using any Software Product for which you no longer possess a valid license for. Software reserves the right to disable any Product Account, product keys, vouchers and/or serial numbers issued for the refunded products